Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lily Hoang

Welcome to Apostrophe Cast. This episode we are pleased to present the triumphant mutations excerpted from Lily Hoang's forthcoming novel Evolutionary Revolution, out this July from Les Figues Press. From brothers who can wear the same shirt at the same time to asexual mermen, from sideshow freak stage mothers to a girl with truly unforgettable thighs, Hoang gives us a world that refuses to stay in the safe and comfortable shapes we have come to expect. Please enjoy, Lily Hoang.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Bryan Furuness

Welcome to Apostrophe Cast. This episode we bring you the brand-spanking new bible stories of Bryan Furuness, in which Lucifer is a precocious little boy and Jesus is his accident-prone buddy. The suburban children of this unholy scripture effortlessly humiliate their mortal parents, who lock them out on summer days, and paint moustaches on their portraits. Please enjoy the inspired work of Bryan Furuness.

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